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E-Letter for Visa Purposes

E-Letter for Visa Purposes



This document is only available to former students.

An Electronic Letter for Visa Purposes confirms your:

Dates of Attendance
Programme of Study
Award Details (if applicable)
The approximate date your degree certificate will be issued (if not already issued)
That Royal Holloway is a recognised provider of education in the UK

The document contains an electronic signature and stamp, and will be sent by email as a PDF file.

**When placing an order for an E-Letter for Visa Purposes you must provide third party email address(es) for us to send the document to by email. This should be, for example, the organisational email address of your employer, higher education institution or sponsor who is requesting the document. If you fail to provide a valid third party email address we will not be able to fulfil your order. Personal email domains such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail etc. are not acceptable. **

When placing an order, you will be able to provide up to 5 third party email addresses for the transcript to be sent to, and you will be able to add any reference you wish to add, such as an application number.

Please note that the letter is not printed on watermarked paper and does not have a wet stamp or signature, and for cyber security reasons we can only send the letter directly to a third party.

For further details please visit our website: